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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Jul 22, 2019

(Ex.14:21-15:1;   Ex.15:1,8-10,12,17;   Mt.12:46-50)


“Thus the Lord saved Israel on that day

from the power of the Egyptians.”


The Lord fought for the Israelites, His people.  Working great wonders, He brought them forth from the land of Egypt.  Indeed, “the Israelites marched into the midst of the sea on dry land, with the water like a wall to their right and to their left.”  So great was His love for His chosen ones that He saved them in this miraculous fashion, casting their enemies into the sea.  Them “the earth swallowed,” but His people crossed unharmed.

Here is the prefigurement of the Lord’s saving us from sin by His death and resurrection; through the waters of Baptism we now come to “the mountain of [the Lord’s] inheritance,” our enemies dying in that same water which saves us.  In the dark of night, in the death of Christ, we enter the realm of the sea; at dawn we see our enemies lying dead on the shore.  But it is no longer those who are related to the Lord by flesh and blood who are brought through the waters to His sanctuary.  The chosen ones are no longer of a particular race.  “Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is brother and sister and mother to me.”  It is a spiritual kingdom to which we are now called, and it is in the Spirit His children are now born.

Shocking this word must have been to the ears of those so used to judging the blessings of the Lord by bloodline.  Here is the beginning of Christ’s teaching that any and all are called to the table of the Lord.  How shocked even Peter was when directed to go to the Gentile people, when instructed to eat, as it were, of the unclean food (Acts 10:13-14).  But the Lord makes all clean by His blood.  His death and resurrection open the gates of heaven to all who would enter there.  To anyone who would follow in His footsteps, the Lord leads on dry land to the promised glory.  But do not think, as I so often hear, that there are no casualties in this new exodus.  Do not hold so foolishly to the idea that the God of the Old Testament was harsh in His destruction of the Egyptian army but the God of the New effects no such punishment.  See that the casualties in this battle suffer a fate worse than drowning in the sea: eternal condemnation awaits those who now harden their hearts against the word of Christ.  The warfare is now spiritual rather than physical, and the judgment Jesus passes on the evil generation is now far worse than any before His time had come.  As He Himself has said elsewhere, “It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea, than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin” (Lk.17:2).

We are brothers and sisters of the Lord, my friends, and so He saves us from the day of judgment.  As long as we do His will, His blessing shall be ours.  Let us rejoice this day in the justice of God, that He cares for all those who love Him, even as He casts their enemies into the sea.



O LORD, let us live according to your will

that we might be saved,

that we might be one with Jesus in Heaven

even as all our enemies perish.

YHWH, your servant Moses did your will; through Him you revealed your glory to the people, and they triumphed over their enemies.  May we serve you as has Moses and so become brother and sister and mother to Jesus, and so become as your children.

May your Son extend His hands toward us and bless us with His sanctifying Word, that all sin may flee from our midst and we become as your chosen.  Through the sea let us pass on dry ground, LORD, the water like a wall to our right and to our left.  Through Baptism we are redeemed by the power of your hand; to Jesus let us be configured.

Horse and chariot you cast into the sea – it is not by our own strength we are saved.  It is by the grace and blessing that come from you, LORD, and by our joining ourselves to your will.

In fear shall our enemies retreat from your glance, O LORD, for you fight for your lowly ones.