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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Nov 29, 2023

O brother of the Rock of our Church,

you who brought him to our Lord,

you who were crucified

on the Cross of our Savior,

who shed your blood

freely for His cause…

you who thirsted for His coming

and welcomed Him so readily

into your life –

bring us also to the Messiah’s side

and pray we shall receive Him

as well...

Nov 29, 2023

(Rm.10:9-18;   Ps.19:2-5;   Mt.4:18-22)


“How beautiful are the feet of those who announce good news!”



We must have “faith in the heart” and “confess with [our] lips that Jesus is Lord”; but how can we believe in Him and call on Him if we have not heard of Him?  “And how can [we] hear unless...

Nov 28, 2023

(Dn.5:1-6,13-14,16-17,23-28;   Dn.3:59,62-67;   Lk.21:12-19) 

“You will be brought to give witness.”

“Daniel was brought into the presence of the king.”  And what did this wisest of men have to say to this pagan king who ruled the earth?  “You have rebelled against the Lord of heaven.”  He did not hesitate to...

Nov 27, 2023

(Dn.2:31-45;   Dn.3:57-61;   Lk.21:5-11)

“The iron, tile, bronze, silver, and gold all crumbled at once,

fine as the chaff on the threshing floor in summer,

and the wind blew them away without leaving a trace.”

So shall the kingdom of this world be destroyed by “a stone which was hewn from a mountain without a...

Nov 26, 2023

(Dn.1:1-6,8-20;   Dn.3:52-56;   Lk.21:1-4) 

“To these four young men God gave knowledge

and proficiency in all literature and science,

and to Daniel the understanding of all visions and dreams.”

God is the giver of all good gifts; all is a gift from God.  Whatever we give to Him can only seem paltry to Him “who...