Nov 10, 2020
(Ti.3:1-7; Ps.23:1-6; Lk.17:11-19)
“Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
Such is the cry of the ten lepers standing at a distance from the Lord. And such is the cry that wells up in all our hearts when we realize we must keep ourselves far from His company for the sin that festers like a disease in our souls. ...
Nov 3, 2020
(Phil.2:12-18; Ps.27:1,4,13-14; Lk.14:25-33)
“Work with anxious concern to achieve your salvation.”
Strive we must always to attain the kingdom of God, setting our hearts on salvation alone, and trusting in the Lord all the while.
“If one of you decides to build a tower, will he not first sit down and...
Nov 2, 2020
(Phil.2:5-11; Ps.22:26-32; Lk.14:15-24)
“The lowly shall eat their fill.”
Yes, “happy is he who eats bread in the kingdom of God.” Indeed, he shall have his fill. But who shall partake of such grace? Who shall come to the feast when the Master calls?
Brothers and sisters, our “attitude must be...
Oct 29, 2020
(Phil.1:1-11; Ps.111:1-6; Lk.14:1-6)
“My prayer is that your love may more and more abound.”
Paul’s prayer is addressed to the Philippians, who “have all continually helped promote the Gospel from the very first day” he came into their midst preaching. He overflows with love for them himself and finds...
Oct 19, 2020
(Eph.2:12-22; Ps.85:9-14; Lk.12:35-38)
“You who were once far off
have been brought near through the blood of Christ.”
We who “were excluded from the community of Israel,” who were not of His chosen people upon whom His Spirit rested and so were “without hope and without God in the world,” now are...