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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Sep 13, 2022

(1Cor.12:31-13:13;   Ps.33:2-5,12,22;   Lk.7:31-35)


“We piped you a tune but you did not dance;

we sang you a dirge but you did not wail.”


“Like children squatting in the city squares and calling to their playmates,” seeking to have them comply with their own selfish will, so are “the men of today” according to our Lord.  And so is their song not “a noisy gong”?  Do they not lack of love?  Could they be more “rude,” more impatient and unkind, than to declare of John the Baptizer, “He is mad!” and of the Son of Man, “Here is a glutton and a drunkard”?  Could they any more “rejoice in what is wrong,” utterly shutting out the truth?

And why?  Why is it they do so lack of love?  Why are they so ungodly?  Is it not that they fail to realize and state with the Apostle Paul: “Our knowledge is imperfect and our prophesying is imperfect”?  Is it not because they trust in their own minds that they do not come to the wisdom of God?

And what is “God’s wisdom”?  It is what Paul speaks of so well today: God is love, and without God we are worth nothing.  Yes, God is love.  Love is the heart of the Law even as God is the heart of the Law, and without the heart the body is useless.  But knowing God is love, hearing it repeated over and over, is not sufficient for our salvation.  Certainly, “of the kindness of the Lord the earth is full.”  The Lord ever pours forth His grace, His love upon all His creatures – but how do we come to have that love, how do we come to accept it?  Again, the key is in Paul’s statement, “My knowledge is imperfect now.”  It is in understanding that, even though “we put childish ways aside,” yet “we see indistinctly.”  It is in the realization that we are not God, that we need God and His love; in a word, it is in repentance.  Genuine repentance is the attitude that brings us to the love of God.  And the need for it is constant!

I think there is a kind of divine equation to our relationship with the Lord: the more we recognize our misery, the more He shares His mercy; the more we acknowledge our lack of His wisdom and love, the more He fills our desire for them.  Marvelous is the justice of God!

Brothers and sisters, “give thanks to the Lord on the harp; with the ten-stringed lyre chant His praises.”  It is ours to “speak with human tongues and angelic as well”; we must employ “the gift of prophecy,” “feed the poor,” and be ready to “hand over [our] body to be burned.”  But all we do must be driven by His will, must be founded in His love.  Our song must be set in His holy key and reflect His eternal harmony, or we have nothing to fill our emptiness.



O LORD, let us accept your Word and your way;

let us live in your love and praise you all the day.

YHWH, if we have not love, what good are we, for then we are not of you?  If we are proud what can we be but condemned for our anger and judgment?  If we seek to control you, where can such foolishness lead us but to separation from you and your love; and so, what shall we do but die in emptiness?

O LORD, what fools we are to trust in our own knowledge, in our own ways, when you lay the way to Heaven before us.  You send your Son to lead us home, and we tell Him He knows not of what He speaks; we seek even to instruct Him of the way He should better walk.  And so to what utter foolishness does our knowledge lead – what blindness is upon our souls!

We must love as you love, as your Son has shown us, dearest LORD.  Patient and kind make us this day, humble before you that we might see how much we need you to find our way.  To your kingdom let us come, praising you for your glory, living in your unending love.