Jul 31, 2023
(Ex.33:7-11,34:5-9,28; Ps.103:6-13; Mt.13:36-43)
“The angels will hurl them into the fiery furnace
where they will wail and grind their teeth.”
It is the justice of God which is our theme today. And though it is absolutely certain that the mercy of God far surpasses our merit and He does not “requite us...
Jul 30, 2023
(Ex.32:15-24,30-34; Ps.106:1,19-23; Mt.13:31-35)
“Eventually the whole mass of dough began to rise.”
The kingdom of God comes gradually, grows imperceptibly; from the smallest of seeds it becomes “the largest of plants,” and “the birds of the sky come and build their nests in its branches.” Indeed,...
Jul 29, 2023
(1Kgs.3:5,7-12; Ps.119:57,72,76-77,97,127-130; Rm.8:28-30; Mt.13:44-52)
“The revelation of your words sheds light,
giving understanding to the simple.”
Wisdom. The “pearl of great price.” How precious the ability “to distinguish right from wrong” by the grace of God, and to choose the right way at...
Jul 28, 2023
(Ex.24:3-8; Ps.50:1-2,5-6,14-15; Mt.13:24-30)
“All that the Lord has said, we will heed and do.”
But will they? Who among them will remain faithful to the covenant they make with God? All the Israelites vow as one to follow “the words and ordinances of the Lord,” yet only two men shall come from the...
Jul 27, 2023
(Ex.20:1-17; Ps.19:8-11,Jn.6:69; Mt.13:18-23)
“What was sown on good soil
is the man who hears the message and takes it in.”
“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul… The command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eye… More precious than gold” and “sweeter also than syrup or...