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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Jun 25, 2022

(1Kgs.19:16b,19-21;   Ps.16:1-2,5,7-11;   Gal.5:1,13-18;   Lk.9:51-62) 

“No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind

is fit for the kingdom of God.”

We must follow Jesus.  And the path He walks leads to the cross.

Our gospel tells us, “When the days for Jesus’ being taken up were fulfilled, He resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem.”  Jesus knows what awaits Him in Jerusalem.  He knows how He will weep over the city for its lack of faith, and He knows their lack of faith will bring His crucifixion.  Yet into the waiting arms of death He travels, undeterred.  And how many there are who proclaim their desire to walk with Him; how many volunteer to follow in His way.  But how little they know of the difficulty found on that road: “The Son of Man has nowhere to rest His head” – we must give up our homes.  “Let the dead bury the dead” – we must leave behind our family.  Yes, we must never look “to what was left behind,” namely, “the desire of the flesh” of which Paul speaks.  We are now “guided by the Spirit”; the flesh no longer holds sway over us.  That which is opposed to the Spirit we must give no thought to anymore.

Look at Elisha, the powerful prophet, in our first reading.  He is called by the master, Elijah.  Yes, he fails to follow immediately, but look at what he does in saying good-bye to his family.  He takes what has been his livelihood to this day and sacrifices it utterly: he slaughters the oxen and even uses “the plowing equipment for fuel to boil their flesh,” giving the meat as food for his people.  Nothing remains to call him back; he effects a total departure from his old self.

Brothers and sisters, we must take such complete refuge in the Lord.  We must say with David, “O Lord, my allotted portion and cup, you it is who hold fast my lot.”  All must be given over to Him and entrusted to His care.  It does us no good to hesitate on our journey with Him or take up things which will weigh us down along the way. 

“Do not submit again to the yoke of slavery,” Paul exhorts us.  Leave all the desires of this world behind to find the freedom known only in heaven.  Then we will proclaim with David: “I set the Lord before me; with Him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.”  We will know His mantle of strength and protection in our call to walk with Him; the yoke of slavery to sin will be broken from our shoulders.  We are truly free, brothers and sisters, only insofar as we follow Him, submitting ourselves to the cross.

O Lord, take all that keeps us back from following in your way, that in such death to self we may draw nigh to your kingdom.  Your cross is the path to life.

Written, read & chanted, and produced by James Kurt.

Music: "Hold On, Here We Go" (second part) from Bearing the Birth Pangs, tenth album of Songs for Children of Light, by James Kurt.


O LORD, may your Spirit guide us

on the road to the Cross.

YHWH, how shall we be fit for your kingdom?  How shall we give ourselves as we must to your will?  Help us to leave all behind and never turn back to it.  Help us to follow your Son even to the Cross.  For if you do not help us, we shall falter on the way.  Without your grace we shall not have the light and strength we need.

O LORD, our spirit is willing to follow you, but how weak is our flesh.  How concerned we are about the things of this earth!  And so your Son must be severe with us, for how else shall we break the yoke of slavery to sin?  Without His sharp Word we would linger in complacency all our days.

O let the ties that bind us to this world be cut and we be free to walk with Jesus in utter service and love!  May the fire of your Spirit be upon us to burn away all attachment to sin.  Be our sole refuge, dear God, that no corruption we shall know but remain at your right hand forever.