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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Aug 20, 2022

(Is.66:18-21;   Ps.117:1-2,Mk.16:15;   Heb.12:5-7,11-13;   Lk.13:22-30)

“People will come from the east and the west

and from the north and the south

and will recline at table in the kingdom of God.”

“I come to gather nations of every language; they shall come and see my glory,” even those of “distant coastlands that have never heard of my fame, or seen my glory,” says the Lord.  The Word goes forth.  The Word goes forth to the ends of the earth and it will open the eyes and ears of all peoples.  But who shall be ready for its coming?

Indeed, Isaiah’s prophecy and the verses of our psalm are in harmony with the Lord’s own words: all the nations shall come, all shall “praise the Lord,” and all shall find a place in His kingdom.  The light that goes forth, the glory of the Lord, knows no boundaries, is not limited by constructs of time and place – there are no walls in its way.  All nations.  All tongues.  All peoples at all times and in all places are called forth by the all-encompassing love of our God and our Savior.  You are welcome at His table, my brother, my sister, whomever you are, wherever you are.  It is the Lord’s will that all come to Him who is the Father of all nations and of all creation.  But do you know the way?

The way of the Lord is not easy; it is narrow and rough – it is one wrought with chastisement, with discipline.  “For what ‘son’ is there whom his father does not discipline?”  And how can you expect to come into His paradise if the soil of this world still clings to your soul?  The cross is the way to the kingdom; only the scourging discipline of the Lord will enable us to sit with Him.

And this discipline, this cross, is of love.  Do you see this?  Do you see how much the Father loves you in His reproof of your sin?  “At the time, all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it.”  If you have not learned this basic lesson of the working of the Lord’s love, you “will not be strong enough” to enter His gate.  You must “not be disjointed but healed” as the Lord takes from you all that is unfit for His presence.  Your suffering the loss of this life is all that will bring you to heaven.

We note that even the above words of the Lord are as chastisement to the Israelite people who walk with Him, for He is telling them they are not alone in the call to God; other nations shall indeed enter before they.  And as this pride in their heritage must be wrested from them before they are prepared for the kingdom, so all that limits the love of the Lord from working in our lives must be taken from us before we may enter in.  Fear not the pain this brings.  The “wailing and grinding of teeth” outside His gates is more painful by far – and for this suffering there is no healing anymore.

Written, read & chanted, and produced by James Kurt.

Music: "There Are No Words" (middle part) from Breath, the Apple Rises, fifth album of Songs for Children of Light, by James Kurt.


O LORD, teach us always to do what is right

that we might be as your sons

and enter into your House.

YHWH, all peoples are called to your glory, to your kingdom, for all are sons and daughters to you.  But truly you must be our Father, we must come from you, we must reflect your image, the image your only Son reflects to us in His way of the Cross, if we are to enter your presence.  Relying on accidents of time or place we shall never be saved.  Only by accepting the discipline you offer will be made ready for Heaven.

Strengthen us, O LORD, by the chastisement you bring to our souls, by the Word of truth come from Jesus’ mouth.  He knows you and is the way to you – let us be obedient to His call and the call of His apostles to enter through the narrow gate, to leave all of this world behind that we might come rejoicing to your holy mountain with all our brothers and sisters, with all your blessed children.  May all men hear your Son’s voice this day, that none shall be barred from your kingdom.