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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Oct 22, 2022

(Sir.35:12-14,16-18; Ps.34:2-3,7,17-19,23; 2Tm.4:6-8,16-18; Lk.18:9-14)


“O God, be merciful to me a sinner.”


“The one who humbles himself will be exalted,” for it is the lowly the LORD hears.  And in no greater way, and for no greater benefit, do we humble ourselves than to recognize our sinfulness before God.  It is then we prove ourselves His own, for it is then Truth is with us.

We must guard ourselves ever from the sin of pride, brothers and sisters; it is just such presumption that breaks down the spiritual life, for it separates us from our proper place before our Lord and God.  “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted”; “He hears the cry of the oppressed.”  He does not come to heal those who are well, nor does He respond to the prayer of the oppressor; and our life on this earth is one of continual healing, and whenever we judge another we condemn our souls.

“May it not be held against them!” is Paul’s prayer for his unjust accusers and those who have deserted him.  (How like Christ’s prayer from the cross it is!)  He is crushed before the courts of this world and yet does not judge, and yet does not condemn.  For he is the servant of the Lord and shows himself faithful to such a call.  Even as he is “poured out like a libation,” he remains faithful, unwavering in his hope of standing before and being redeemed by “the just judge.”  He knows fully that “the Lord redeems the lives of His servants” and that “He who serves God willingly is heard,” and so he humbles himself when accused, trusting that “the Lord will rescue [him] from every evil threat and will bring [him] safe to His heavenly kingdom.”

Yes, “the prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds.”  How blessed are they who know their humble place before the Lord, for He hears them and comes quickly to rescue them when they cry out to Him in all their humility.  And of course our greatest rescue must be from sin, that which has made us base before His eyes.  To its recognition and for its overcoming by the Lord’s grace we must dedicate ourselves every day of our lives.  And so we cry out for forgiveness.  And so we return to our homes justified.


Written, read & chanted, and produced by James Kurt.


Music: "This World of Sin" from Cleansing Human Frailty, fourth album of Songs for Children of Light, by James Kurt.



O LORD, you are the just Judge –

hear our cry and save us from oppression. 

YHWH, those who take refuge in you are saved from every evil; those who call out to you are heard and redeemed.  Those who are humble before you, you exalt to the heavens, but those who are proud condemn themselves. 

What hope have we but you, O LORD, we poor sinners who so soon shall die?  What more can we do than spend our lives for you – in this there is great grace through all our days, and a crown of righteousness in the end.  Thus we who are nothing, who would come to nothing without your mercy, may reach even unto your throne, O Most High God.  For you indeed hear the cry of the poor; the just petition of a broken heart you cannot resist. 

As widows and orphans we walk the face of this dark earth; as slaves in bonds we look for freedom.  Come and wed us to yourself, O Father in Heaven, and we shall enter your House justified.