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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

May 29, 2018

(1Pt.1:18-25;   Ps.147:12-15,19-20;   Mk.10:32-45) 

“The Son of Man has not come to be served but to serve –

to give His life in ransom for the many.”

As Jesus and His apostles make their “way up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes,” He tells them that these elders of the people “will condemn Him to death and hand Him over to the Gentiles, who will mock Him and spit at Him, flog Him, and finally kill Him.”  He then adds, “But three days later He will rise.”  Here is the Gospel in short.  Here is “the living and enduring Word of God,” the “indestructible seed” which brings us to life by our “faith and hope” centered upon it.  Yes, “by Christ’s blood” we “were delivered from the futile way of life” that sin wrought in us; this blood is “the blood of a spotless, unblemished lamb chosen before the world’s foundation and revealed for [our] sake in these last days.”  Christ has died, Christ is risen, and in Him we come to life again.

And we must “drink the cup” He drinks; we must “be baptized in the same bath of pain.”  There is no other way to His glory.  Our lives on this earth must be joined in sacrifice with Him.  Never are we to “lord it over” others; but always we “must serve the rest.”  So Jesus instructs His apostles in this most weighty moment filled with “wonderment” and “fear,” as He stands at the precipice of His sacrifice.  And Peter tells us the same when He counsels us to “love one another constantly from the heart.”  Jesus’ blood is the greatest love and it is in this river we must swim; in this ocean we shall be cleansed – “by obedience to the truth you have purified yourselves for a genuine love of your brother,” the Lord’s principal apostle declares to all his faithful readers.

“He has proclaimed His word to Jacob, His statutes and ordinances to Israel,” and all these are summed up in the blood of the Lamb of God.  “Swiftly runs His word” to all who seek redemption from God; swiftly it comes to pierce our hearts.  And though by it we ourselves bleed with Him, by it “He has granted peace in [our] borders” – through Jesus we are “believers in… the God who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory,” and His same glory is ours as we die with Him now.  Let this Word be inscribed upon your heart.


O LORD, your Son is the Word spoken by your mouth

that comes quickly to save us;

may we share in the cup He raises to His blessed lips.

YHWH, we are purified by the Word your Son speaks to us, by the Gospel preached in His Name – by His death and resurrection, which you desire us to share.  Let His blood be upon us for good this day, that we might be thoroughly cleansed of our sins and come to serve you and one another.

Our faith and our hope are in you, LORD; all our desire is to join you in glory.  The blessing of your way be known to us – let us walk the path to Jerusalem with your Son.  For if we die with Him, if we lay down our lives in service of one another for your sake, then we shall live with you, saved from the death that comes upon all flesh.

Our lives are passing as the grass of the field; this you know, O LORD.  But your Son has come to redeem our souls, to raise us from the dust that we might sit with Him in your kingdom.  Let your will be done and we come by the drinking of His cup to the heavenly Jerusalem.