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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Aug 6, 2024

(Jer.31:1-7;   Jer.31:10-13;   Mt.15:21-28) 

“Shouting, they shall mount the heights of Zion,

they shall come streaming to the Lord’s blessings.”

In our first reading Jeremiah prophesies the restoration of “all the tribes of Israel” to the grace and “age-old love” of their Lord and God.  The Lord promises His virgin daughter Israel: “Carrying your festive tambourines, you shall go forth dancing with the merrymakers.”  He will “turn their mourning into joy” as this “remnant of Israel” returns to the holy heights of Mount Zion, as he “gathers them together” as His chosen once again.

And in our gospel the Lord makes clear it is for the lost children of Israel He has come.  Here in the mission of the Christ, Jeremiah’s prophecy is fulfilled.  But more than the restoration of the nation of Israel do we hear of today.  What we find is that not these alone shall come streaming to the Lord’s blessings, but indeed all the nations shall find Him whom their hearts desire.  And it is this Canaanite woman who leads the way for all Gentile people to receive the grace and favor of the One God.

On her knees she comes, crawling like a dog, this mother of all us not born of Jewish blood, to be grafted to the kingdom’s tree.  Here is a sign of the humility we all must have.  And when rebuffed she does not answer, “Who are you?” and leave in anger, but drops further on her face, pleading for “the leavings that fall from [the] masters’ tables.”  And so she shows the Lord the “great faith” even we Gentiles can exhibit; and so she wins a hearing not only for herself but all people of foreign nations who, like Ruth, are able to say in truth: May your God be my God (see Ru.1:16).  And so her daughter finds the healing touch of the Lord.

Brothers and sisters, the promise given the people of Israel is now for all of us to share, if we have but faith – if we but have the love of God burning in our hearts.  And so, “rise up, let us go to Zion, to the Lord, our God” and “enjoy the fruits” He offers forth for all His many sheep.  This Canaanite woman came “shouting after” Him and found the ear of the God of the universe; let us now “shout with joy for Jacob” and with Jacob, as we celebrate the glory of the Lord here present in our midst.


O LORD, gather us all into your arms.

YHWH, you restore the fortunes of Jacob; his house you rebuild and your blessings he finds.  Jesus has indeed come to the lost sheep of Israel, for they are your chosen sons and daughters.  You have loved them from of old and your mercy remains upon them.

But if we come on our knees before you, LORD, we who are but dogs, perhaps the leavings of your table we may find, and so share in your blessings with the chosen ones.  Faith is open to men of all nations, and it is this alone that will enable us to enter your House.

O let us rise up and go to Zion!  Let us climb the heights of your mountain and fall at the feet of your Son.  His mercy He cannot withhold from any who beg of Him.  As a Shepherd guide us, O LORD, that we might find rest in you, that we might be fruitful in your NAME and come to praise you in the joy of your kingdom.