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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Sep 10, 2024

(1Cor.7:25-31;   Ps.45:11-12,14-17;   Lk.6:20-26)

“The world as we know it is passing away.”

And so, “hear, O daughter, and see; turn your ear, forget your people and your father’s house,” for the King is calling you from this passing world to the heavenly marriage feast – “He is your Lord, and you must worship Him.”  This call is for every chosen soul, for who is the Lord’s virgin daughter, who is His Bride but the Church?  It is she who is called, even as the Virgin Mother who has preceded her to heaven, and each of our souls must be wed to Him alone.  And we who leave all behind to follow Him “shall be filled” and “shall laugh” on the Day of our marriage, for “the reign of God” will be ours.

It is not in this world we take our “consolation” – how sad those who do so.  For the riches of this world will rust and rot, and its laughter shall prove so hollow.  Thus Paul instructs the wise: “Buyers should conduct themselves as though they owned nothing,” for in truth they have nothing at all: of what worth is that which does not last?  Only an illusion are the temporary pleasures and vain accolades of this dying earth.  The trials we find are all that should cause us to “rejoice and exult, for [our] reward shall be great in heaven” if we endure our exile well.

To those who consider marriage, Paul gives the instruction: “[You] will have trials in this life, and these I should like to spare you.”  Certainly marriage is not sinful, and is even a fruitful sacrament, but even this which can be such a blessing is but passing in the eyes of God.  And the attachment we find to our spouse, again, though blessed by the Lord, is a union that is also passing – one which must be ultimately left as well.  Since only our marriage to the living God is that which endures, Paul in his wisdom offers this word: “Those with wives should live as though they had none”; for this beauty, too, shall fade, and it is not in it we are called to make our home.

Yes, “the time is short,” brothers and sisters.  The time is always short because time itself is passing – only eternity remains.  And so, set not your hearts on the fading things of this life.  The Lord who has died now prepares a place for you in His heavenly kingdom.  And “all glorious is the King’s daughter as she enters; her raiment is threaded with spun gold.”  So, to His palace be “borne in with gladness and joy”… join now the song of all His saints in our heavenly homeland.


O LORD, let us turn from the things of this world

and set our hearts on your kingdom,

which passes not away.

YHWH, help us to remember that this world is passing away, that we should thus be attached to nothing of this world, and certainly not make our home in it, seeking the riches it offers.  Help us to set our hearts on you and seek you alone, forgetting all that is not of you.  For we wish to enter your kingdom, to sing your praises with all your saints, but how shall we come there if fattened on the fruits of this earth?

LORD, your Apostle’s counsel is a very wise one – to make use of the things of this world as if we were not using them at all, always with an eye to their temporal nature, that they are indeed passing away.  For if we remember this world is passing, we shall better remember you who are eternal.  You are all that matters.

You are all that matters, LORD, and so let us cry out for your presence, hungering for your kingdom.  Let us give up all of this world that we might find you present to us, and make our home in your palace forever.