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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Mar 1, 2019

(Sir.17:1-15;   Ps.103:13-18;   Mk.10:13-16)


“Let the children come to me

and do not hinder them.”


O how the Lord “looks with favor upon [our] hearts, and shows [us] His glorious works”!  And because “His majestic glory their eyes beheld, His glorious voice their ears heard,” so the “people were bringing their little children to Jesus to have Him touch them,” so they were offering their precious loved ones into the arms of the Savior.  And should we not all come to Him, should we not all run into His arms… are we not all His children?

Brothers and sisters, “the Lord from the earth created man, and in His own image He made him.”  Do you hear that?  In His own image we are made, as His sons and daughters.  “He endows [us] with a strength of His own…  He forms our tongues and eyes and ears, and imparts to [us] an understanding heart.”  He makes us as Himself, and then fills us with His presence!  And should we not come to Him, should we not come to His only Son, our own dear brother, the perfection of our race, that all disfigurement might be taken from us and we might radiate the light of God, that we might be remade in His image?

The Lord is only love and “His eyes are ever upon [our] ways” to guide us to His love.  He is “as a father [who] has compassion on his children.”  Yes, “the kindness of the Lord is from eternity to eternity toward those who fear Him,” and those who fear Him are His children.  But this fear, this overwhelming awe at the love the Maker of the universe has toward His simple creatures, is not one which makes us run from Him, but which moves us to leap into the arms of our Redeemer, into the arms of Him whose arms are always open to receive us, always open to embrace His children.

We know our blessed brother John has told us with holy affection that “we are God’s children now” (1Jn.3:2).  Of this grace at the hands of our Lord he has spoken most eloquently, most simply – most lovingly.  And it is so for all who love Him.  And so we should not hinder our hearts from coming to Him, from embracing Him as He embraces us… from giving ourselves to Jesus (particularly in the Sacrament), that we might be formed in His image.  Come to Him who is one with the Father, and one with the Father you shall become.



O LORD, only your children come to you; 

welcome us into your kingdom. 

YHWH, let us come to you as children, trusting in your love.  And you will embrace us, and you will bless us… and we will come into your kingdom on high. 

We are but dust, O LORD, and our days pass like those of the grass.  A breath from your mouth and we are gone.  But it is your Breath that gives us life, that makes us wise, that makes us holy – that causes us to share in your glory.  You have created us from the earth but have endowed us with a spirit like your own.  Let us know your kindness upon us that we may endure unto eternity. 

LORD, let us remain in awe of you, ever grateful for the gifts that you give us, for the wonder that is upon us every day of our lives.  Let us not be separated from you but always be as your children, innocent and obedient and humble as you.  To your Son let us run and so find a home in His flesh and blood, and so be adopted into your love.