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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Apr 29, 2024

O Shepherd of the Church

who led her through

a difficult time,

seeing to her reform

in faith and morals,

in teaching and prayer,

that the foundation once established

by the Lord Jesus Christ

might be confirmed

and strengthened,

kept from decay –

pray this day, too,

MotherChurch will be blessed

by the nourishing food

of the Spirit,

that she might be fed

at the Lord’s table

and all might be encouraged to enter

the gates of Heaven

she guards and opens

to all souls in communion

with the Savior and His way…

May Peter lead us unto His Day.