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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Sep 8, 2022

(1Cor.9:16-19,22-27;   Ps.84:2-6,8,12;   Lk.6:39-42) 

“Although I am not bound to anyone,

I made myself the slave of all so as to win over as many as possible.”

How like His Lord is Paul in his declaration, “To the weak I became a weak person with a view to winning the weak.”  For as Jesus descended from heaven to take on flesh and save those corrupted by its sin, so the Apostle has made himself “all things to all people,” stepping inside their skin “in order to save at least some of them.”  Indeed, Paul proves himself to be “on a par with his teacher” in sacrifice and fruitfulness, for how well he serves “to remove the speck from [his] brother’s eye” that he might see Jesus in the clear light of day.

The Apostle has been “entrusted with a charge,” that of “preaching the Gospel.”  And doing so willingly he finds his “recompense.”  And what is this recompense but that he receive nothing in return for his work, nothing here on earth except of course the blessing of persecution such work for the Master entails?  Then why engage in such toil, and why call others to such a life of self-sacrifice?  Ah yes, because of the “crown that is imperishable” which awaits the runner of such a race.  This heavenly blessing, too, is found when one does all “for the sake of the Gospel.”

“My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God,” our psalmist intones today, and goes on to proclaim the happiness of those “who dwell in [God’s] house.”  “Continually they praise [Him]…  They go from strength to strength,” for “grace and glory He bestows.”  This is the goal Paul has in mind when he says, “I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line.”  All his tribulations never distract him from his final destination; the kingdom of heaven remains ever upon his heart.  And ever does he strain forward that he and so many others might attain that crown for which “our soul yearns and pines.”

Brothers and sisters, we must “discipline [our] own body and master it”; we must “remove the plank lodged in [our] own [eye]” if we hope to join Paul in the place where “even the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest in which she puts her young.”  And our young we, too, must bring there – all those in our charge must know of the kingdom of God.  And so let us join Paul and our holy Lord in here becoming slaves of all, enduring our exile bravely that we might draw others to the eternal home found on the altar of the living God.


O LORD, let us be led by your holy apostles

to lay down our lives with your Son,

that we might find our home in you.

YHWH, all holy hearts long for your presence, long to make their home in your house; and you send to us apostles, teachers of your way, that we might find you.  O may the vision of all be made clear to see your glory!  May all learn the lesson they need to know, taught by your Son in His sacrifice and carried on by His disciples.

We long to praise you, LORD, but there is a log in our eye that blinds us to your coming kingdom.  Help us to remove all obstruction, all distraction, all our blindness, that we might not lose sight of the blessings you offer to those who spend their lives for the sake of the Gospel.  Let us rather carry that Good News of salvation to all souls, serving to remove the specks from their eyes by your grace and mercy.  Help us to be slaves of all that all might make their home in you.  Keep us from the pit, we pray, by your guidance and secure protection.  Let us always yearn for you.