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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Jun 21, 2023

(2Cor.11:1-11;   Ps.111:1-4,7-8;   Mt.6:7-15)


“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”


And what we need is to be holy as He is holy.  And it is this we ask for in the Lord’s Prayer.  We simply seek to be like Him, and that all obstacles to holiness be removed from us.  And like a loving father He meets our needs.

And Paul is a father to the community at Corinth; he loves them “with the jealousy of God Himself.”  He has given them in marriage to Christ and is solicitous that the wedding chamber not be corrupted by false doctrine.  “Super apostles” have come among them who “win a hearing by the sheer multiplication of words,” rattling on like empty wind and taking money from Paul’s children for the sound and the fury they bring.  But they signify nothing by all their skill; they are but ravenous wolves amidst the flock.

Paul says of himself, “I may be unskilled in speech but I know that I am not lacking in knowledge”; and how his words echo Christ’s own, that we should not get lost in mere words.  And how like a father knowing and caring for the needs of his children is Paul.  In our psalm, too, is reflected the Father’s “gracious and merciful” nature which Paul shows to the Corinthians: “Sure are all His precepts… wrought in truth and equity.”  This knowledge of God is what must be conveyed, and it is this Paul offers the people. 

And like a caring father who provides sacrificially for his children, Paul refuses to take return from them for his work: his work among them is a labor of love for which he seeks no recompense.  By this they must learn how freely God gives to those who seek Him and be purged of their notion that it is those whom they pay, and greatly, who care for them.  Indeed, the Father knows always what we need, and gives it freely to those who simply come as repentant children.  He exacts no cost and requires no dramatics to receive His presence and His love.

Forgive my folly here, but why do you turn to the icons and idols of this glamorous age to find the peace you seek, when in His Church the Father waits to answer all your needs?  Do not be led astray by the powerful-seeming images which surround us in this day; come to the Lord of all, and before Him in silence kneel and pray: 


“Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread,

and forgive us the wrong we have done

as we forgive those who wrong us.

Subject us not to the trial

but deliver us from the evil one.”    



O LORD, you know what we need

and provide our food, the Bread He is,

through the apostles.

YHWH, let us not be seduced by our pride – it is not by our own words and our own will we shall come to Heaven.  It is you who must inspire us; we must but be your humble servants.  Then great deeds will be accomplished in us, for it will be your work alone that we do.

You, O LORD, are faithful and just to all who call upon you in truth, to all who have faith in your enduring love.  Those who share your mercy with others are blessed with freedom from all cares, for in your mercy the evil one finds no place.  Let all souls pray to you and know that you desire to give us all we need.

You are not blind, O LORD, to our plight; we know nothing of which you are unaware.  And so let us not reach out our hands to the fruit of disobedience – let us not seek in ourselves or in those around us the glory that comes only from you.  Then we shall remain in your Garden forever, doing the work for which you made us.  Then we shall be wed to your Son.