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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Jun 14, 2022

(2Kgs.2:1,6-14;   Ps.31:20-21,24-25;   Mt.6:1-6,16-18)

“As they walked on conversing,

a flaming chariot and flaming horses came between them,

and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.”

Jesus instructs us in our gospel, “Whenever you pray, go to your room, close your door, and pray to your Father in private.”  This prescription the holy prophet Elijah fulfills in our first reading when he miraculously crosses the Jordan River and enters the wilderness, out of the sight of the prophets who remain standing on its other side.  Elisha, too, he would have remain apart, but this holy man determines to stay with his father in faith.  And so as their prayer becomes secret, as their conversation of God becomes hidden and private, even then Elijah is taken in flames of holy fire from the sight of men; even then he ascends to heaven.  And though so otherworldly, the eyes of Elisha witness the hand of God lifting the prophet from our midst.

Brothers and sisters, can you see that this is as what happens with us when we pray to God in our private rooms?  David in his psalm declares, “How great is the goodness, O Lord, which you have in store for those who fear you, and which, toward those who take refuge in you, you show in the sight of men.”  When we “hide… in the shelter of [His] presence… screen[ed]…  within [His] abode,” He reveals Himself to us in His glorious might, He lifts us up to heaven where He dwells.  As He blesses those who keep their alms secret and repays those whose fasting is hidden, so He anoints the prayers of His children who find Him in the recesses of their hearts.  From this wilderness, from this desert place, He lifts us to see the encompassing shining of holy light.

The quiet place is within your soul; the kingdom of heaven is within you.  Converse with the Lord quite readily, quite faithfully, in this hidden place, and all shall be revealed to your eyes.  Stay with Him; do not leave His side, and all your requests shall be filled in His blessed generosity.  And His cloak He shall place upon you, His cross He shall lay across your shoulders, and the great blessings of heaven will be your own.

“Love the Lord, all you His faithful ones!

The Lord keeps those who are constant.”

And all humble souls He raises

to the throne of God.


O LORD, let us hide ourselves in you,

that you might carry us to Heaven.

YHWH, let us enter into your presence hidden within us; into this wilderness let us come that we might meet with you and you might bless us, and take us to Heaven.  Hear our prayer this day.

LORD, you alone are our refuge, you alone are our glory and our peace – you are our only desire.  Let us not seek the approval of this world or the praise it may give, but look always only to serve you, to love you, with all our might… and let all our might be only of you.  Let it be you who work miracles in our life.

Take all we have, LORD; we ask nothing in return but to be with you.  Quietly let us come to you who dwell in the purest silence, apart from all the vain distractions of this world. 

You are quite above this dreadful place, though you come to dwell with us even here.  In you let us transcend all the emptiness that surrounds us, even as we walk with you.  O LORD, let us never leave your side that we might come to be where you are.