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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Jun 12, 2022

(1Kgs.21:1-16;   Ps.5:2-3,5-7;   Mt.5:38-42) 

“I will obtain the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite for you.”

How divergent are the paths of Jezebel and Jesus.  This Queen of Israel, wife of Ahab, holds the philosophy that if someone won’t give you what you ask for, take it by force; whereas the Lord says if someone wishes to take something from you, give it and more.

Here are the way of the world and the way of heaven in stark contrast.  When as a petulant child Ahab refuses to eat after not getting what he wants, his wife plots the death of Naboth to obtain the king’s desired land.  She truly is among “the bloodthirsty and the deceitful the Lord abhors.”  Jesus and those who follow Him are they whom the Lord loves.  Far from stoning the righteous man to death, they themselves are the righteous who shed blood freely at the hands of their enemies.  Both the wicked Jezebel and the just Jesus go beyond the old law: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth.”  She takes an eye and a tooth when none has been taken from her, going thus below the law; but Jesus says, “Offer no resistance to injury,” going thus above the law.  Where He fulfills the law in love, she makes a mockery of God.

We hear these mutually exclusive paths spoken of even literally today.  Jesus instructs His disciples: “Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him two miles,” encouraging His followers on the same way of suffering He models for all – a way revealed most clearly in His carrying of the cross to the hill of Golgotha; and our first reading tells us that “on hearing that Naboth was dead, Ahab started off on his way down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it,” walking quite a different path of blood.

Brothers and sisters, it should be obvious that God “delight[s] not in wickedness; no evil man remains with [Him].”  He indeed “destroy[s] all who speak falsehood” – the justice of God they shall not escape.  But let it be equally obvious that we must follow the Lord’s words in turning the other cheek.  His are not mere platitudes but necessary instructions for finding the way to God He Himself walks.  If we do not walk where He has walked, how can we come to the place He now is?  Do not think you will come to heaven along an easy path, much less a wicked one.  You will obtain the vineyard of heaven only by drinking the blood of Christ where you are, only by laying down your very life here in this world.


O LORD, let us leave behind

all the wickedness of this world

and join in your Son’s holy sacrifice of love.

YHWH, let us leave the way of the wicked far behind and walk only in the path you mark out for us.  In your Son’s blood let us make our home, that there shall be no blood upon our hands.

Let us lay down our lives with your Son, turning the other cheek to those who would harm us, to those who would slap us in the face.  Yours is the way of forgiveness and love, of sacrifice in the name of goodness, in your NAME, O God.

Keep us from the path of the world, LORD, for it is one of evil, of use and abuse of neighbor, of the shedding of his blood, the blood of the righteous Man.  O let us not have Jesus’ blood on our hands!

LORD, we are all sinners, but if we turn to you, you save us from such sin as would condemn our souls.  But if we harden our hearts against your love, if we seek only our own gain, and at others’ expense, choosing to remain blind to your Son’s Cross of sacrifice, which is our only hope of salvation… we can only be destroyed.  Help us to give all to others, to answer your call to love.