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The BreadCast

Daily Exposition of the Readings for Catholic Mass...

as well as Prayers to the Saints on the General Roman Calendar (for the U.S.).  

From the books Our Daily Bread and Prayers to the Saints by James H. Kurt - both with imprimatur.

Jul 22, 2022

(Jer.7:1-11;   Ps.84:2-6,8,11;   Mt.13:24-30) 

“Reform your ways and your deeds,

so that I may remain with you in this place.”

We hear again today of the failure of “the temple of the Lord” and its sacrifices to bring the Israelites to the eternal presence of God.  For though the Lord “sowed good seed in His field,” though He made His temple a house of prayer, it has become “a den of thieves” in the eyes of His chosen.  And the Lord “see[s] what is being done.”  And because they “steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, [and] burn incense to Baal,” the Israelites break the covenant upon which the temple is founded, and it can but fall to ruin.  The Lord spells out what they must do to preserve the integrity of His temple: “If each of you deals justly with his neighbor; if you no longer oppress the resident alien, the orphan, and the widow; if you no longer shed innocent blood in this place, or follow strange gods to your own harm…” but though He repeatedly warns them of what it takes to maintain His presence in their midst, yet they repeatedly turn from His blessings and the words the prophets offer.  Unable to “thoroughly reform [their] ways and [their] deeds,” they cannot but lose the temple.

But, again, there is hope.  For what has not been preserved on earth shall be made permanent in heaven.  Though “an enemy came and sowed weeds through His wheat,” and though in this world they are not rooted out from our midst – though our worship fall short of the Lord’s eternal glory, yet Jesus comes to perfect God’s will in us, drawing us to the Temple not made by human hands… and with Him the weeds are no more.  Yes, because of our sin we lose His blessing; but by His grace our worship is made whole in His sight.

“My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the Lord.  My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”  In the heart of Jesus I would dwell; in His flesh we find the Temple.  And His Temple we become as we eat His Body and drink His Blood.  As we follow this Word made flesh, we are redeemed and our home with God blessed permanently.  And so in truth and with His love welling up in our souls, we cry with our psalmist: “I had rather live at the threshold of the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked”; and so, “happy” indeed we are.  Praise the Lord for His eternal goodness, for in Him “even the sparrow finds a home.”


O LORD, the weeds are bundled for burning,

for sin cannot stand in your sight;

only the pure of heart enter your House.

YHWH, be with us in this place; gather us as wheat into your barn.  Make our bodies the temple of your Spirit, that we shall be pleasing to you and so with you remain.

There are weeds among your wheat, LORD, and there are sins that prick our hearts and move to separate us from you and your love, and your presence with us.  O let us reform our ways and our deeds! that our lives may find your blessing and we dwell forever in your holy Temple.

Our heart and our flesh cry out to you, O living God, that we might live in your sight, that we might be as your own precious children united in heart and flesh with you.  Even in this land let us be with you; let this land become as Heaven by your Body and Blood among us, by our joining ourselves in joy with you… by the reform of our lives according to your Word.